Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I love this....

Found this while doing some research on worship and it is hysterical! I hope you get a laugh or two from it!


Could learn something from them I think.....


Monday, October 19, 2009

waiting game

I journal. I write what's on my mind, verses in the Bible that are meaningful to me on any specific day, prayers, people on my mind, etc. I've never gone back and re-read what I've previously written. I figure I'll save that little joy for my great grand kids and they can read what a fine piece of work I was.

But I am in a mood. Which is code of STAY AWAY from me unless you want truth without love. I wrote this morning with my soy green tea latte with sugar-free vanilla syrup in the middle of Starbucks as usual for me to do on a Monday morning. I wrote in my journal raw, honest, brave, strong words to my father (the heavenly one). I'm angry. Really frustrated, really confused, and feeling like a great punishment has been done to me. Stuff I don't want my great grand kids to read.

I'm angry, not because I didn't get what I wanted but because I don't hear God. I'm listening too. Just a sentence from him would be good. An explanation would be even better.

I re-read my entire journal from the beginning of the year this morning. It didn't help. (Note to self --- don't need to do that again)But I did notice a journal entry I made on May 11, 2009 "Lord, develop in me patient endurance." based on 2 Peter 1:5-6, 2 Corinthians 1:6, Revelation 1,13,14.

Sheesh, I meant it at the time when I didn't know how hard patient and endurance used in combination would be for me.

New favorite verse: Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength…they shall run and not be weary." (Is. 40:31)

Oops, I just realized the word wait in that verse waiting requires patient endurance.

Pray for me, as you can tell I'm gonna need it :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009


So, I have really been trying to get myself through the bible. It sounds so stupid to actually say that outloud in print. I want to be in His word no matter what. I need to read what I want to share. I need to keep my focus and staying in His word is where prayer leads me.....Dear God, I long to stay close to you in spite of my surroundings...... I love ya dear Father!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

First post, whoop, whoop.

Small Group at Shan-noon Price's house last night (10.5.09)highlights:
1. Billy Ryburn made the funniest comment in the history of small groups and then got so embarrassed BILLY brought us back on topic. Crazy, huh? It was the hardest I've laughed in a week.

2. Jenny Ryburn's gang name is 'little rascal'.

3. God used a completely useless comment I made to persuade Billy to sell his house.

4. More seriously, God has been working me over for the past 6 months. Teaching me to rest in God's timing, accept HIS peace in all circumstances and be okay with the answer 'NO'. Recently, I've been able to relax and release my death grip on control and gladly give it over to him. Why can't I do that without a spiritual temper tantrum?

I am so thankful for the growth even if it did take a while.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009